Friday, February 24, 2017

"Repeat until true: Islam isn't the problem!"

Krakatoa writes at Ace of Spades,
I'm not prone to conspiracy theories.

But it is becoming harder and harder to pretend that the current powers running the EU member states not only wouldn't mind if the ideological threats to their power structure are removed by any means possible, but are perhaps even supporting all means possible.

Geert Wilders has had to suspend his campaign movements because one of the Dutch Secret Service agents that had been assigned to his security detail was found passing his movement information to Moroccan (Islamist) criminal gangs.

In a sane world, this agent, whose name hasn't been released but whose superiors admit to having a "Moroccan background", would never have been put in such a sensitive position.

But in the world we live, law abiding people are forced into dangerous scenarios demanded by political correctness.

Wilders has been under police protection since the brutal killing of Theo van Gogh by a Muslim in 2004.

In security tests in 2010, his security detail permitted 2 out of 4 attempts at smuggling a firearm into secure areas.

And now the powers-that-be came close to participating in what for all intents looks like an assassination plot through either a bad vetting process, or outright indifference to the very life of an ideological enemy.

The only good news is that Mr. Wilders is likely going to be the next PM of the Netherlands, assuming he stays alive that long.

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