Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Now the Left is concerned about blackmail?

Rush Limbaugh weighs in on the Kelly resignation.
...I’m gonna tell you, Trump’s not stopping. There will be more ICE raids this afternoon to make people forget about this. The media’s gonna try as hard as they can not to let go of this, because now they’ve got their scalp. They think they have blood in the water, they’ve got a scalp and they think they can get another and then another and then another and then another until finally they get Trump.

...Eight years of the Obama administration, it may not have appeared to be chaotic and it may not have appeared to be amateur hour and it may not have appeared to be out of control, but it was in terms of its agenda. The Obama administration was trying to dismantle the United States of America. That’s why everybody voted for Trump! And the people that supported Obama and were trying to dismantle the United States of America are still out trying to do it and now doing so via taking aim at Trump and his administration.

...Now, the media is saying that Flynn’s conversation with the Russian ambassador back in December could have left him open to blackmail. Are we serious about this? Flynn was open to blackmail? Who was it that the Drive-Bys wanted to see as president in? That would be Hillary Rodham Clinton, who could have been blackmailed six ways from Sunday by the Russians and who the heck else we know.

Now, the media is saying that Flynn’s conversation with the Russian ambassador back in December could have left him open to blackmail. Are we serious about this? Flynn was open to blackmail? Who was it that the Drive-Bys wanted to see as president in? That would be Hillary Rodham Clinton, who could have been blackmailed six ways from Sunday by the Russians and who the heck else we know.

We don’t know who has those 34,000 emails that she deleted. We don’t know who has Tom Brady’s jersey. (laughing) We’re trying to find both. We don’t know what top national security secrets were revealed in those 34,000 emails. This is a woman whose home brew server was hacked by world powers, the ChiComs, the Russians. This is a woman who, with her famous Russian reset, embarrassed the United States of America.


Here’s Hillary Clinton who had collected campaign contributions supposed in advance that were nothing more than advance payments for policy considerations. She was selling access to the Oval Office via the Clinton administration. You want to talk about blackmail? You are worried about blackmail and Michael Flynn and Donald Trump when you were going to have Hillary Clinton in the White House if you had your way?

It was going to happen, just like the protests that magically and immediately sprang up after Trump announced his executive order. This is who the left is. This is what you voted against. This is what you wanted no more of, this behavior. Not by Trump, not by Flynn. What you voted against — the reason you voted for Trump — is exactly what you’re seeing day to day now from the left and from the Democrat Party and from the media.
Read more here.

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