Tuesday, February 28, 2017

"Like my eyebrows?"

Daniel Nussbaum reports in Breitbart,

Leonardo DiCaprio apparently spared no expense while getting ready for last weekend’s Academy Awards — the Oscar-winning actor and environmental activist reportedly flew a renowned “eyebrow artist” to the stars more than 7,000 miles around the world to have his face tended to ahead of Hollywood’s big night.
According to reports in the Sydney Morning Herald and the Independent, the 42-year-old Revenant star and fellow actor Tobey Maguire enlisted the services of beautician Sharon-Lee Hamilton, who made the 7,500-mile trip from Sydney, Australia to Los Angeles to ensure the stars’ brows were just right for the big show.

While the artist’s eyebrow services are reported to cost a relatively affordable $200, Hamilton — whose previous clients are said to include BeyoncĂ©, George Clooney and Kim Kardashian — told the Herald that when traveling for work, her costs are covered by her clients.
Read more here.

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