Friday, February 03, 2017

Federal workers resort to encryption to thwart Trump

John Sexton reports at Hot Air,
The weepy bureaucrats at the EPA have rallied and are now setting up their own resistance communication network within the agency. Politico reports:

At the EPA, a small group of career employees — numbering less than a dozen so far — are using an encrypted messaging app to discuss what to do if Trump’s political appointees undermine their agency’s mission to protect public health and the environment, flout the law, or delete valuable scientific data that the agency has been collecting for years, sources told POLITICO.

Fearing for their jobs, the employees began communicating incognito using the app Signal shortly after Trump’s inauguration. Signal, like WhatsApp and other mobile phone software, encrypts all communications, making it more difficult for hackers to gain access to them.

One EPA employee even got a new, more secure cellphone, and another joked about getting a “burner phone.”

This underground resistance effort is also said to be communicating with “former Obama administration political appointees” on their plans. So you can probably expect lots of leaked exclusives about the EPA at the New York Times and the Washington Post, none of which will mention that the former President’s people are passing them the information. In fact, these people are so proud of themselves that they are already leaking their existence to the media before they’ve even done anything.

Imagine for a moment that Hillary Clinton had won the election and a group of partisans at Customs and Border Patrol decided to start an encrypted network to stay in contact with former Trump campaign staffers. I have little doubt this would be considered extreme and dangerous. The word “sedition” would likely appear in print somewhere. If there was any question about cutting the EPA’s budget before, there won’t be now.

And this is just one example of bureaucrats lining up to undermine the new administration. The State Department has been passing around a dissent letter and at the Department of Labor employees have created a petition to block the nomination of Andrew Puzder because they don’t like his risque burger ads.
Fire them!

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