Sunday, January 01, 2017


Oregon Muse takes a look at 2016, and decides it wasn't all that bad after all:
On the other hand, for all the talk of 2016 being a bad year, consider:

1. Hillary lost.
2. The Cubs won.
3. The MSM beclowned itself so thoroughly during the election that it may never recover.
4. Even before taking office, Trump is pantsing the opposition.
5. Gawker was sued into non-existence.
6. Rolling Stone may follow.
7. Fidel Castro relocated to warmer climes, where he is being repeatedly ravaged by the barbed you-know-what.
8. Brexit passed.
9. The progressive left is continuing to lose its sh*, daily (see #4).
10. And of course, Hillary Clinton will never be president.

So, win.

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