Thursday, January 26, 2017

Kellyanne: "I consider myself a post feminist"

Jessica Chasmar writes in the Washington Times,
President Trump’s counselor Kellyanne Conway doesn’t consider herself a “feminist” in the traditional sense of the word.

In an interview published Thursday, the 50-year-old mother of four told The Washington Post that she doesn’t align with the “pro-abortion,” “anti-male” tenets of modern feminism and considers herself more of a “postfeminist.”
“I don’t consider myself a feminist. I think my generation isn’t a big fan of labels. My favorite label is mommy,” Mrs. Conway said.

“I feel like the feminist movement has been hijacked by the pro-abortion movement or the anti-male sentiments that you read in some of their propaganda and writings,” she continued. “I’m not anti-male. One does not need to be pro-female and call yourself a feminist, when with it comes that whole anti-male culture where we want young boys to sit down and shut up in the classroom.
“And we have all of these commercials that show what a feckless boob the man in the house is. That’s not the way I see the men in my life, most especially my 12-year-old son,” she added. “I consider myself a postfeminist. I consider myself one of those women who is a product of her choices, not a victim of her circumstances.”

Mrs. Conway, who served as Mr. Trump’s campaign manager and became the first woman to run a successful presidential campaign, said she is just now starting to realize how historic her involvement was.

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