Sunday, December 18, 2016

Thieves want more!

Donald Trump tweeted yesterday about the theft by China of a US military undersea drone:
We should tell China that we don't want the drone they stole back.- let them keep it!
Later I read that China says they will return it, but wants something in return from the US. I don't think Trump will be suckered.

In the Daily Signal Dean Cheng speculates,
This could be the start of establishing a new baseline of conduct, essentially a “new normal,” putting the U.S. president-elect on notice that China will be even more assertive under his presidency than in the past. Therefore, it is up to the U.S. to back down.

But alternatively, this may be an effort by China to establish itself as unpredictable and assertive, as a bargaining stance with the incoming Trump administration.

Thus, it is also possible that Beijing intends to ratchet up tensions, so as to reduce them after Jan. 20, thereby signaling a willingness to work with the Trump administration so long as Trump is willing to work with it.

In either case, by acting prior to Trump’s taking office, the Chinese have given themselves the room to maneuver by both not forcing Trump to be the main respondent, and by retaining the option of altering their actions after Jan. 20.

What is clear, however, is that Beijing has little intention of compromising on its overall claims to the South China Sea, whoever is president.

If regional stability is to be maintained, Trump and Obama will need to coordinate their responses and policies with one another.
Read more here.

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