Monday, December 26, 2016

"The United Nations is a failed experiment." We need to take our $3 billion and get out.

Daniel Greenfield writes at Front Page Magazine,
The United States pays 22% of the total UN budget. What we get for our $3 billion a year is a corrupt organization whose dysfunctional and hostile agencies are united in opposing us around the world.

The United Nations does only two things consistently and effectively: waste money and bash Israel. Sometimes it manages to do both at the same time.

...We are not making the world a better place by being members of this anti-American organization which vacillates between being evil and useless.

...Like the League of Nations, the United Nations is a failed experiment. The only difference is that, despite decades of wars, genocides and terror, we still haven’t pulled the plug.

President Trump will have the opportunity to pull out of the UN and drain the swamp in Turtle Bay.
Like the League of Nations, the United Nations is a failed experiment. The only difference is that, despite decades of wars, genocides and terror, we still haven’t pulled the plug.

President Trump will have the opportunity to pull out of the UN and drain the swamp in Turtle Bay.tion
Read many more examples od UN corruption, evil, and incompetence here.

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