Tuesday, December 27, 2016

"The smug condescension from useless know-it-alls"

Z Man takes a look at different kinds of conservatism. He notes the decline in readership of the National Review, and that NR seems to think that all they need is a redesigned website. He quotes at length from Matthew Continetti, who is trying to understand how Trump thinks.
Guys like Continetti would not last five minutes in the world of real estate or the world of fast food, for that matter. If he were to get a job with Trump’s organization, it would be as a doorman or desk clerk. Maybe in a decade or so he could be in a position to make a decision, like selecting a cleaning contractor or a building maintenance vendor. The reason the Conventional Right is in crisis is that normal, conservative people, have grown weary of the smug condescension from useless know-it-alls like Continetti.
Read more here.

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