Tuesday, December 20, 2016

"the enlistment of every powerful corporation into the left-wing hive-mind"

Ace has this headline today,
Orlando Nightclub Shooting Victims' Families Sue FaceBook, Twitter, Google for Providing "Material Assistance" to ISIS and Other Terrorist Groups

I agree with his analysis:
This may sound like a nice bit of payback against these villains, but in fact this will just push these organizations to perform even more censorship, and they'll be able to tell shareholders (truthfully) that their fiduciary duty requires them to censor any posts from an "extremist," or any post which could spark "extremism."

The theory that we're all on the hook for something some other asshole says is what drives this censorious, ceaseless Social Justice Warrioring, and the enlistment of every powerful corporation into the left-wing hive-mind.
Read more here.

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