Thursday, December 22, 2016

How can we educate children so they end up as adults, not snowflakes?

Fred on Everything notices that
Kids will learn what interests them. They won’t learn anything else. This is why hackers of fifteen years break into secured networks but do not know whether Columbus discovered America or the other way around.

So what is the point of school?

Far better would be perhaps junior high followed by vocational training in a field of interest to the student. In four years currently wasted on learning nothing, a kid could get a monumental head start on being an auto mechanic (look under the hood of your car and tell me it’s a job for dummies), electrician, paramedic, computer tech, accountant, dental technician, and so on. Or be phenomenally ready for med school. Such training of the very young would not in all fields amount to professional competence, but would produce dynamite candidates for further study.

This would serve the primary purpose of keeping them off the streets. Kids would be no less prepared to make momentous decisions of state–heaven help us–than current ones. They would also end up as adults, not Snowflakes.
Read more here.

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