Wednesday, December 21, 2016

"Good riddance to them on January 20."

At PJ Media J Christian Adams writes,
The age of Obama will be remembered for the grotesque perversion of law. The latest example is Justice Department and FBI inaction when it comes to death threats to members of the Electoral College who were voting for Donald Trump.

...Prior to their vote this week, member of the Electoral College received death threats by phone and email. Transmitting death threats via interstate communications is a federal felony punishable by up to five years in prison.

...So why didn't the Department of Justice and the FBI do anything about threats to the Electoral College? By now, dear readers, after eight years of this lawless rot, you don't need J. Christian Adams to answer the question. You already understand that this Justice Department only reacts to the ideological narrative of the extreme Left.

...Remember Ferguson? Remember what happened after that police officer used legitimate deadly force? You had a president and attorney general grandstanding about a lie. And now you have real threats to the system, to the Constitutional order, by threats to electors, and they are deadly silent. It shows you what these people are really about, and good riddance to them on January 20.
Read more and watch video here.

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