Sunday, December 04, 2016

"American conglomerates have embraced the “benefits” of globalization"

Jim Quinn writes at Director Blue,
Since the passage of NAFTA in 1994 and China’s decision to provide slave labor to foreign corporations around the same time frame, American conglomerates have embraced the “benefits” of globalization:

Close your plant in the U.S. and fire Americans.

Open a plant in Mexico or China and hire locals at slave wages to do the same job as the fired Americans.

Sell cheap products back into the U.S., undercutting the prices of smaller domestic producers and eventually putting them out of business – resulting in more American job losses.

American conglomerate Ivy League educated CEOs listen to the advice of criminal Wall Street bankers and use their excess profits to buyback their stock and drive their personal compensation to astronomical levels.

Capital investment by American conglomerates becomes virtually non-existent.

Meanwhile, China steals the American technology and product designs and eventually produces knock-off products, undercutting American conglomerates.

The Federal Reserve provides cheap and plentiful debt to Wall Street scum bankers, while Madison Avenue maggots convince Americans to accumulate debt to purchase the cheap foreign made goods.

The production jobs shipped to China and Mexico are replaced with low paying service jobs in the retail and restaurant sector, sustained by the Federal Reserve debt machine.

Many, if not most, of those voting for Donald Trump want less government in their lives. Trump railed against corruption, government favoritism, crony capitalism, and special deals. For the last eight years we’ve witnessed Obama favor green energy frauds like Solyndra, use taxpayer funds to save union jobs at GM and Chrysler, provide tax breaks to wealthy buyers of Tesla luxury cars, purposely destroy the coal industry, and not prosecute one Wall Street criminal banker. This Carrier deal is just a different version of the government carrot and stick game used by every president.

This high profile deal is a symbolic message to Trump voters and American corporations, but it can’t become the standard operating procedure for his presidency. Government picking winners and losers, aligning with particular companies or industries, or attempting to manage the economy is nothing but an expansion of the corporate fascism we’ve been experiencing for decades. Trump needs to create an economic climate which will convince American companies to expand, invest, and hire more workers. He has already documented what really needs to be done:

Reduce corporate and individual tax rates. If corporations are allowed to keep more of their profits, they are more likely to hire and invest in their facilities. Many new businesses are started by individuals, so lowering their taxes provides more resources for growing their businesses.

The regulatory nightmare strangles small business owners, giving an unfair advantage to conglomerates. Wiping out thousands of useless Federal regulations will save existing businesses billions and allow fledgling businesses to get off the ground.
Repealing Obamacare and replacing it with a more market oriented competitive healthcare system which reduces the outrageously high costs to companies and individuals would free up billions of investment or spendable funds for companies and individuals.
Existing trade deals need to be renegotiated to make sure global trade is truly free. Wage arbitrage cannot be the sole basis for why companies decide which country to build their plants. China makes it extremely difficult for American companies to do business in China from a tax and regulatory basis. Any fair trade deal would address these inequities.
Read more here.

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