Sunday, December 25, 2016

Alliances to fight radical Islam

Tom Tancredo writes in Breitbart,
One of Donald Trump’s first acts after being sworn in as President of the United States should be to invite Russian President Vladimir Putin to meet with him to discuss a broad, coordinated campaign against ISIS.

The United States and Britain joined with Stalin to defeat our common enemy, the Third Reich. Radical Islam poses as great a threat to the United States today as Adolph Hitler did in 1941. Indeed, Hitler had not yet attacked the United States in 1941, while radical Islam has done so many times.

...Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt met with Stalin twice in World War II, at Potsdam and Yalta, because they had a common enemy. Nixon went to China to meet Mao Tse-tung to form form an alliance against a greater threat, the Soviet Union. Trump can and should meet with Putin to form an alliance against our common enemy, radical Islam.

...Yes, the alliance with Russia will be opposed by the Democrats and the foreign policy establishment that saw nothing strange about Obama making his first foreign trip to Cairo to praise the Muslim Brotherhood. But an alliance to actually defeat radical Islam rather than coddle it may well strike most Americans as a sensible departure from Obama’s failed “legacy.”
Read more here.

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