Monday, November 28, 2016

Would Trump really appoint Romney Secretary of State?

So, is Trump going to offer the Secretary of State job to Romney? Chateau Heartiste offers this analysis:
everyone needs to remember the force of nature that is Trump. He is a good-hearted, magnanimous alpha male (with a horny level for the ages) who never forgets a backstabber. I believe he enjoys planning his revenge on his enemies as much as executing it.

Given these premises, think about what you would do in Trump’s position to maximally and publicly humiliate someone who had betrayed you at your weakest moment? You’d invite Romney to your gilded hotel headquarters, promise him SoS, release him on a fume of hope and greed, and the next day have Conway issue a few tweets revealing how many Trump supporters loathe the idea of Romney receiving a position in Trump’s Cabinet.

Romney now thinks Trump really wanted him, against the wishes of his base and the advice of his campaign team. Suddenly, without warning, on a day of his choosing, Trump announces Dana Rohrabacher for SoS. Romney suffers a public humiliation so profound his power to influence anyone in Trumpworld is reduced to zero.

I could be off-base. Maybe Conway really did go rogue, and is in her special way trying to get Trump to rethink the wisdom of selecting Romney, while Trump for his part perhaps views Romney as cuck-approved insurance against a GOPe insurrection during his reign.

We’ll find out when Trump makes his SoS choice and announces it on Twitter and YouTube, bypassing the legacy media and adding insult to the parade of humiliations that the media have rightfully endured this past year.

Are we forgetting that Obama appointed his rival Hillary Clinton to the same post? Do you see any similarities?

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