Friday, November 04, 2016

"The temptation is always there to diminish God and elevate oneself."

Gagdad Bob writes at One Cosmos about
Humble Brag and Grandiose Humility.

The temptation is always there to diminish God and elevate oneself. But some circumstances make it easier to do that -- fame, power, money, intelligence, any gift, really. For some people it isn't grand enough to be in the image and likeness of God. Rather, they want to be God.

In the comments Julie adds,
...Interesting that the useful idiots in the linked campaign ad resort to taking the Lord's name in vain to get people to vote Clinton. Thanks to Wikileaks, it is increasingly clear that her toadies, at the very least had dealings with profane - and incredibly disturbing - rituals. Under those circumstances, they certainly can't ask that people vote for her for the love of God.
Read more here.

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