Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Proposal to end the tax status of the Southern Poverty Law Center

Neil Munro reports at Breitbart,
An immigration reform group says the Southern Poverty Law Center legal firm is violating federal tax rules for non-profits by acting “as a campaign operation for one political party.”
The Immigration Law Reform Institute, which is an affiliate of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, is now preparing a legal claim to pressure the Internal Revenue Service to end the SPLC’s non-profit status. If that happens, donors wouldn’t get tax deductions for giving to the group.

“This document with exhibits runs over 100 pages, and spells out in laborious detail how the SPLC operates as a campaign operation for one political party and nothing more. For a huge range of reasons, the SPLC deserves to lose its tax status as a 501(c)(3) operation,” said a Nov. 22 statement from FAIR.

“FAIR has argued for years that the SPLC is not a legitimate charity – it is a partisan organization engaged in illegal political activity,” said the statement.
Read more here.

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