Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Phillip Morris plans to stop killing people some day.

AFP reports that tobbacco giant Phillip Morris is planning to
stop selling conventional cigarettes and replace them with a less harmful product, its chief executive said Wednesday.

As the firm launched its smokeless iQOS cigarette in Britain, Andre Calantzopoulos told BBC radio that the company would try to move smokers over to the new product.

The iQOS heats tobacco rather than burns it and it is claimed that smokers get the same hit of nicotine, but 90 percent less of the toxins present in cigarette smoke.

It is already available in Japan and Italy, and in Switzerland where Philip Morris International (PMI) is based.

...Marlboro maker Philip Morris is the world’s second-biggest cigarette producer by market share, after the state-owned China National Tobacco Corporation.

Worldwide, smoking claims around six million lives annually, mostly in low-income countries, the World Health Organization (WHO) says.

what I want to know is who came up with the name IQOS?
Read more here.

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