Sunday, November 27, 2016

Huge increas in illegal immigrants has been going on since October

Bob Price reports at Breitbart,
A report issued by the Center for Immigration Studies revealed a massive surge in the numbers of illegal border crossings and apprehensions in the months leading up to the November 8 Presidential Election.
In the month of October alone, 46,195 illegal aliens were apprehended along the entire southwestern U.S. border with Mexico, Joseph Kolb reported for the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). This was the largest single month since the massive flood of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) apprehended after crossing the border in June 2014 when 57,862 immigrants were apprehended.

Kolb blamed the surge on President Obama’s announcement expanding America’s refugee programs. Other factors included improved job opportunities in the U.S. over the summer and the continuing violence in Mexico and Central America.
Read more here.

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