Friday, November 25, 2016

Fake news

Ann Coulter gives a post-election interview to SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on a special holiday edition of Breitbart News Daily. She tackles the subject of Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, wrongfully accused by the Southern Poverty Law Center of racist comments. Coulter said that the SPLC is "America's leading hate group."
Bannon was talking about violence, but never mentioned African Americans.

...The author of In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome! said she found the current media obsession with “fake news” amusing, since as she documented in her book, so many of the stories pushed about Donald Trump during 2016 were false – “from the mocking of a disabled reporter, claiming that he was referring to Megyn Kelly’s menstrual period, that he lied about Muslims celebrating the 9/11 attack.”

“That was, incidentally, what led to his making fun of the reporter, Serge Kovaleski, in a way that bears no resemblance to Serge’s disability, and it’s the exact same imitation Donald Trump does whenever he’s imitating a flustered person, including himself, including Ted Cruz, including a general. You can see the videos. They’re just outright lies,” she added.
Read more here.

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