Monday, November 28, 2016

Conway says there is huge resistance to Romney. Priebus says there is not a problem. Which is it?

Already we have public disagreement among top Trump advisers. Kelleyanne Conway told CNN's Dana Bash yesterday that Trump supporters would feel "betrayed," if Trump picked Romney as Secretary of State. She said "the volume & intensity of grassroots resistance to Romney is breathtaking.”
Read more here.

Meanwhile, on Fox News Sunday Trump's incoming chief of staff Reince Priebus denied there was “open warfare” between Trump advisers and loyalists.
“It’s not about warfare,” he continued. “Yes, there is a lot of opinion about this. This is sort of a team of rivals context if he does go with governor Romney, but that should tell Americans where President-elect Trump’s head is, which is a place that will put the best possible place together for all Americans, whatever your religion, whatever your opinion is. He wants to move forward looking through the windshield and not the rear view mirror, and that’s where the president-elect’s head is at. And I think it’s a great place for Americans.”

Why the comment about religion? Is romney's Mormonism part of the reason some are opposing him?
Read more here.

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