Tuesday, November 01, 2016

"Anthony Weiner may go down in history as the perv who unintentionally saved Western Civilization."

Chateau Heartiste writes,
In the course of investigating Weiner for allegedly sexting a minor, the NYPD (or the NY office of the FBI) either stumbled upon evidence of Clinton’s deleted emails on Weiner’s faptop, or Wiener sang like a bird in a bid to plea bargain himself out of prison time, and turned his computer over to the FBI with the promise of a much bigger fishwife to fry. The latest news is that Weiner may have copied and saved all of Hilluma’s emails in case of an emergency when he might need it as a bargaining tool.

In other words, Anthony Weiner may go down in history as the perv who unintentionally saved Western Civilization.
Read more here.

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