Saturday, October 01, 2016

Who are the bullies now?

Maureen Mackey reports at Lifezette,
Just when you thought our children and our families couldn’t get pushed around any further by the activism of a select few, get this: College students this fall are being encouraged to “change” their biological sex on university paperwork and insist they be called by whatever gender or designation they please.

If they were born male but are “feeling” female at the moment — maybe it’s the cool fall air — they can “change” their gender to the one of their choice. University personnel (including their professors) must then refer to them this way or be forced to apologize. Students can also have no gender at all, or choose something entirely “creative.”

...One student (among many others) felt this so challenged the bounds of common sense that he threw some weight of his own around. Grant Strobl, a conservative student at the University of Michigan and chairman of the Young Americans for Freedom Board of Governors, changed his preferred pronoun on his forms to “His Majesty” — demonstrating the absurdity of the new policy.
Read more here.

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