Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Chateau Heartiste awards his Comment of the Week (COTW) award to a commenter who calls himself Captain Obvious, who wrote,
COTW winner Captain Obvious reflects on the possibility that the NW European White man’s unique idolization of truth-seeking preconfigured his relationship with Christianity.

‘“Truth” is a concept that is held as important to one demographic across all of the Earth: Northwestern European White Men.’

——— I have long felt that Christianity was an idea which went off in search of a people, and finally found them in Northwest Europe [Christianity being founded upon a Trinity of L0ve, Logos, and TRUTH].

plumpjack adds a coda that could double as a shiv,

I agree with this 100%. the basic tenets of Christianity were already encoded in our DNA, placed there through the rigorous natural selection of living in harsh climates, where survival requires absolute honesty and efficiency. Truth is simply the most efficient way to live.

i suppose one could say that rap music was an idea that went in search of a people also. and Islam. etc…

Religions are as likely to emerge from (or seek out) the genetic substrate of a people as a people are to be changed by the moral code and tenets of their new religion. Mutually reinforcing feedback loops intensify the attraction between a race and a religion.

So what happened now that Christianity is fading as a force in the lives of NW European Whites? Briefly, Whites abandoned virtue seeking for virtue signaling. The coin of this realm is the Pretty Lie, and Christianity became a hindrance to achieving the perfect sophistic signal, so it was discarded.

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