Wednesday, October 26, 2016

"O’Keefe has embarrassed the mainstream media and enraged their political allies. Now the whole lot of them wants his head."

Jack Cashill writes at American Thinker,
Investigative reporter James O’Keefe is admittedly a repeat offender. Over and over again he has committed old-fashioned gumshoe journalism. Worse, he has gone after targets grown fat, soft, and corrupt from years of media protection. In the process, O’Keefe has embarrassed the mainstream media and enraged their political allies. Now the whole lot of them wants his head.

...James O’Keefe should have won a Pulitzer Prize long ago. The undercover work of his fledgling organization led to the collapse of the community organizing cartel known as ACORN, earned him praise from Governor Chris Christie for his work exposing corruption in New Jersey’s teachers’ unions, forced the resignation of major players at National Public Radio, and led to the reform of voter laws in New Hampshire -- all of this before he turned thirty.

No one in the major media has anything like this track record.
Read more here.

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