Sunday, October 23, 2016

Happy to be alive!

Bookworm brings to our attention the story of this baby:

A photograph of 5-day-old preemie baby Freya Vinje, depicting the little one with a huge smile on her face, is going viral.

The baby girl, born Thanksgiving Day in 2014, only weighed 3 pounds and 14 ounces at the time, but despite her small size, she still had a lot of presence. Mom Lauren Vinje, who initially posted the photo to the Facebook group Love What Matters, wrote that she looked at this photo often while going through the “ups and downs of our NICU days.”

“Our first daughter at five days old. 3 lbs. 14 oz., she was happy to be alive!” Vinje wrote. “Life is so precious.”

In an interview with ABC News, Vinje says that at 28 weeks she began to experience preeclampsia, a complication of pregnancy involving high blood pressure and organ damage. The development put the baby at risk, so Freya was delivered shortly thereafter via emergency C-section.

“I was talking to her and I had said, ‘Should we send a picture to Daddy?’ and right when I was about to take the picture, she had this huge smile,” she told ABC News. “It was a picture that I had always wanted to get out for people to see because of how it touched me [in] the way that it did. We gave a copy to the nurses, and when we went to have our second little girl, they still had it hanging up in their break room.”

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