Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Give forward the grace you've tasted...

Ann Voskamp writes at A Holy Experience,
If I lay close enough to her at night

I can hear my baby girl’s literal broken heart beating under her scars.

And under stars, I pull her closer,

and tell her a secret she’s got to know about this blue spinning marble of a planet:

Though this World is broken, it is beautiful.

Though your heart will break, that’s where the love will get in,

and though you may feel kinda broken, that’s right where the kindest love will leak out.

...The world needs us who will wage love in the face of war.

The world hurting for people who will daily choose intentional acts of kindness to preemptively destroy acts of violence.

...Listen today, listen — the broken beat of the world needs a bit of the grace of you, of Him.

– be the GIFT — give forward the grace you’ve tasted, the comfort you’ve known, the love you’ve felt, give forward a bit of the kindness you have found and the gifts you’ve seen and the wounds of the world are counting on the people of the Word to bind up the brokenness with broken off bits of their own heart.
Read more here.

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