Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Which principles are the most important?

At National Review Dennis Prager writes about #NeverTrumpers and #NeverHillaryers:
One side seeks to undo just about every founding principle that made America exceptional. Important examples include small and limited government; preservation of the power of the states to serve as political and social laboratories; a belief in individual responsibility; a society rooted in Judeo-Christian morality — meaning a society composed of people most of whom affirm God and Bible-based moral teachings; and a deep sense of a unifying national American identity and destiny. The Left is successfully undoing every one of those founding principles.

for the first time in American history, a man calling himself a socialist won the great majority of young people’s votes in the Democratic presidential primaries. Senator Bernie Sanders’s new political movement is accurately named “Our Revolution.” But for conservatives, “our revolution” occurred in 1776. So the Left is in fact leading a counter-revolution.

Therefore, with another four years of Democrat-Left rule — meaning a nearly permanent left-wing Supreme Court and left-wing judges controlling lower courts; the further erosion of federalism; an exponential growth in the power of the federal government; further leftist control of education; and the de-Americanizing of America in part by effectively eliminating its borders, in part by substituting multiculturalism for American identity, and in part by giving millions of illegal immigrants citizenship — America will not be America.

We conservatives who will vote for Trump understand that he is the only vehicle we have to prevent this. We recognize that though there are some fine individuals who hold left-wing views, Leftism is a terminal cancer in the American bloodstream and soul. So our first and greatest principle is to destroy this cancer before it destroys us. We therefore see voting for Donald Trump as political chemotherapy needed to prevent our demise. And at this time, that is, by far, the greatest principle.
Read more here.

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