Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The United States under Hillary

Bookworm writes,
The stabbing jihad at the Crossroads mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota, ended with no civilian deaths and only nine wounded because, entirely providentially, Jason Falconer, a firearms expert and certified NRA firearms instructor, was on the scene to take out Dahir Adnan. Adnan, in the course of a few minutes, had already stabbed nine people. Thankfully for the people at Crossroads shopping center, Minnesota allows concealed carry and the mall made a minimal effort to enforce its “gun free zone” status.

Israel’s experience in the last year shows that, in a fight between a gun and a knife, the gun prevails. In Israel, during the ongoing stabbing intifada, most of the terrorists have been quickly killed or disabled by gun shots from armed civilians, police, or members of the military. Israeli civilians weren’t always armed, although mandatory military training has meant they all know how to handle weapons. Israel, however, long ago realized that jihad takes seconds, but official responses can take a lot longer. It therefore substantially loosened its formerly strict gun control laws.

...The Democrat regime in Chicago has disarmed the law-abiding, leaving guns in the hands of feral young men who have no compassion, no empathy, and no conscience. We are one Supreme Court justice away from turning America into the United States of Chicago — and the next president gets to nominate that one justice. Hillary will nominate the justice who believes you are undeserving of a tool that allows you to defend yourself and others. And of course, if Hillary wins, it won’t just be guns that make us the United States of Chicago. It will also be government corruption, economic despair, high crime, and a whole bunch of other social and economic ills endemic to areas under total Democrat control.
Read more here.

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