Thursday, September 22, 2016

One of the biggest web attacks ever

From BBC:
One of the biggest web attacks ever seen has been aimed at a security blogger after he exposed hackers who carry out such attacks for cash.
The distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack was aimed at the website of industry expert Brian Krebs.

...Mr Krebs speculated that the attack could have been prompted by an article he published, in early September, that named two young men allegedly associated with a service called vDos that carried out DDoS attacks for cash.

Soon after the article was published, Israeli police arrested the two men named by Mr Krebs. Released on bail, the pair were barred from using the net for 30 days.
Buried inside many of the data packets despatched towards Mr Krebs' site was text calling for the release of one of the men named in that article.
Read more here.

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