Saturday, September 03, 2016

How Trump can make America great again

Better yet, Trump should read the Bookworm Room blog:
The fact that Trump hasn’t been marinated for decades in politics seems to promise that he’ll have a fresh new approach to problem solving, and that he won’t be beholden to the usual D.C. interest groups. It helps that those who have followed his career over the decades say that he has a steep learning curve (which we’re seeing right now with his statesman-like conduct regarding Mexico and his immigration message), that he’s an out-of-the-box thinker, and that he gets things done. Every one of those characteristics is antithetical to the normal political model.

...(Do you find it as amusing as I do that Trump is being tarred as an extreme racist for basically saying that, as president, he would enforce the laws on the books?)

...As a successor executive, Trump can follow America’s laws, rather than ignore or pervert them. Indeed, it’s not just a matter of “can.” It is his constitutional obligation to follow the laws as Congress wrote them, on everything from immigration to Obamacare to environmental and tax laws. Hillary, of course, would follow the trail Obama blazed, ignoring and perverting the laws he ignored and perverted and undoubtedly adding a whole new series of laws to the “I won’t do that” list.

...When I think of all the things that Trump — beholden to no special interests, an out-of-the-box thinker, comfortable with trimming and firing, and known for getting things done — can make happen, I get this incredible thrill.
Read and view more here.

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