Friday, September 23, 2016

Corruption in the Palace of Justice

The plot sickens, as they say. Who ordered Combetta to do the bleaching? Doesn't the public have a right to know? Isn't it time for the FBI -- or some decent agent or agents -- to fess up to save the rapidly declining reputation of their organization? That the Bureau has been under attack of late for failure to identify terrorists because of overweening political correctness has only exacerbated the public perception that all is far from well in the J. Edgar Hoover Building.

...This amounts to what the great Italian playwright Ugo Betti referred to as Corruption in the Palace of Justice. Besides being totalitarian in essence, the obfuscatory policies of Lynch and Comey have made certain that Hillary Clinton, should she win the presidency, will never have anything close to the consent of the governed. She will never be reliably cleared and an extremely high percentage of the public will never believe her -- and will be correct in doing so.

We live under a dictatorship of the moral narcissist bourgeoisie. They think they know more than we do and can do anything they wish. Actually, they know little and could care less. All they want is power and will cling to at it any cost, even the truth and basic morality. And we are their victims.
Read more here.

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