Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Bias of the mainstream media

Today at the gym someone left the morning newspaper on a bench. I sat down to read for the first time The Santa Fe New Mexican. There were several articles about Trump and Clinton. The main one was from Alexander Burns of the New York Times. It was as if he sat down to write all the disparaging words and phrases that he had learned in his life. There were 46 that I underlined. There were zero disparaging remarks about Hillary Clinton.

There were four other articles about the election. "Did Trump show too much testosterone?" (Associated Press reporter), Debate renews attention on Trump's tax returns (Associated Press reporter), "Miss Housekeeping" ready to vote against Trump (Washington Post reporter), and one that sounds positive for Trump, but if you read it, it is not: Poll: Voters more confident in Trump's health (AP). That last one ends with this sentence: "There's something of a bias about men versus women that sublty Trump has played to, that men are more fit, tough enough to do the job."

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