Tuesday, August 23, 2016

What can't we become addicted to?

Sugam Pokharel and Joshua Berlinger report at CNN,
A man in India spent two months swallowing knives and had 40 of them surgically removed from his stomach, according to the doctor who led the operation.

"He had a wild urge to consume metal. Even for us, the experienced surgeons, it was frightening," Dr. Jatinder Malhotra told CNN.

...But the big question remains -- why did he start eating knives?

"I don't know why I used to swallow knives," the patient told CNN. "I just enjoyed its taste and I was addicted ... how people get addicted to alcohol and other things, my situation was similar."
Malhotra believes the patient has a very rare mental disorder that most likely has not been published in any international medical journal.

...If the urge does strike, Malhotra and his team gave him some advice -- "we told him if you ever feel like you need more iron in your body, try spinach."
Read more here.>

h/t Althouse

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