Monday, August 22, 2016

She doesn't represent women anymore than Donald Trump does.

Stuart Schneiderman reports,
In a Facebook post the highly estimable columnist Caroline Glick responded to those who have been asking her whether she is happy that a woman is running for president of the United States.

Here is what Glick said:

For what it's worth, I am sick and tired of being asked if I am excited as a woman that Hillary Clinton is running for president.

The short answer is no.

In a bit more detail, I think that anyone who views Clinton as a feminine or feminist role model has no idea what it means to be a working woman.

Here are the facts: Hillary married her way into her career, just like Evita Peron. Her career is entirely a product of her marriage.

And it isn't like her meal ticket husband is a pioneer of women's rights. He's a sexual predator.

Hillary Clinton was never in the dark about Bill's character. She's been a full partner in his escapades in the sense that she has enabled his obscene behavior, loudly, unapologetically, without hesitation or an ounce of shame, from the very beginning.

As a woman, I am embarrassed and insulted that the first woman the Democrats ever chose to nominate for president is Hillary Clinton. The fact that they couldn't get behind a self-made woman like Carly Fiorina shows that their supposed concern for women is complete nonsense.

She doesn't represent women anymore than Donald Trump does.

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