Friday, August 26, 2016

Overly optimistic?

Well here is one guy who remains optimistic about the future. S. Vollie Osborn writes,
...productivity, or output per hour of work, has quadrupled since 1947 in the United States while employment has not risen at nearly the same rate.

What this means is that many companies are producing more goods and services without having to employ more people.

Other research suggests in the next 15 to 20 years, 47 percent of all existing employment is at risk of automation. Even more startling, there’s little to suggest new jobs will be created at the pace necessary to compensate for this loss.

...As technology has replaced jobs requiring repetitive labor, we’ve seen an explosion in the diversity of creative output in the world.

...The developments and innovations produced by passion, and aided by technology, have stretched the imagination. From the realization of many concepts formerly considered science fiction, to the creation of new forms of art, we already stand in awe of what passion and innovation can achieve.

Just imagine a world where that output is expanded exponentially.
Read more here.

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