Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Grabbed at knifepoint

Robert Spencer writes in Front Page Magazine,
...a five-year-old girl in Twin Falls, Idaho, was gang-raped by three young Muslim migrant boys. Her parents are still encountering tremendous difficulties in trying to get justice -- apparently because the incident conflicts with Barack Obama’s agenda to flood the country with Muslim migrants.

The victim’s mother told Pamela Geller what the little girl told her: “This is what my daughter has told me: that they grabbed her at knifepoint and forced her into the laundry room and told her that if she tried to leave, they would kill her. The seven-year-old boy took her clothes off. She tells me he put his private in her mouth and peed in her mouth, and put it in her private, and then peed all over her.”

According to Idaho law, that is rape: “Rape is defined as the penetration, however slight, of the oral, anal or vaginal opening with a penis…”

Spencer then brings up quotations from Islamic law and culture, and concludes,
The savage exploitation of girls and young women is, unfortunately, a cross-cultural phenomenon, but only in Islamic law does it carry divine sanction. And now it has come to Idaho.
Read more here.

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