Friday, August 12, 2016

Globalist elites

Both Ace of Spades and Peggy Noonan write today about how out-of-touch the globalist elites are from the rest of us. Ace writes,
I mean, sure, Hillary's promising her corporate clients she'll import replacement workers for these unreasonable Americans, too, but at least the Democrats promise a luxurious life on the public dole.

What's the Wall Street Journal promising them?

Oh yeah -- changing the law to make it easier to bring in H2B workers to replace American workers so that American corporations have an easier time competing against foreign challengers.

Sounds like corporations are due some cash-money Protection by the government, but it would be "anti-capitalist" to similarly change immigration laws to protect American workers.

Gee -- I wonder why the Establishment lost any kind of control over its onetime base.
Read more here.

Peggy writes,
Nothing in their lives will get worse. The challenge of integrating different cultures, negotiating daily tensions, dealing with crime and extremism and fearfulness on the street--that was put on those with comparatively little, whom I’ve called the unprotected. They were left to struggle, not gradually and over the years but suddenly and in an air of ongoing crisis that shows no signs of ending--because nobody cares about them enough to stop it.

The powerful show no particular sign of worrying about any of this. When the working and middle class pushed back in shocked indignation, the people on top called them “xenophobic,” “narrow-minded,” “racist.” The detached, who made the decisions and bore none of the costs, got to be called “humanist,” “compassionate,” and “hero of human rights.”
The larger point is that this is something we are seeing all over, the top detaching itself from the bottom, feeling little loyalty to it or affiliation with it. It is a theme I see working its way throughout the West’s power centers. At its heart it is not only a detachment from, but a lack of interest in, the lives of your countrymen, of those who are not at the table, and who understand that they’ve been abandoned by their leaders’ selfishness and mad virtue-signalling.
From what I’ve seen of those in power throughout business and politics now, the people of your country are not your countrymen, they’re aliens whose bizarre emotions you must attempt occasionally to anticipate and manage.
Read more here.

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