Saturday, August 06, 2016

Explaining the Left

At One Cosmos Gagdad Bob makes many brilliant points to help us understand those who adhere to a leftist point of view.
Obama and Clinton prove the old adage that lying is the essential quality -- for if you're good at lying, then brother, you're good at everything. Thus, Obama's presidency has been a stunning success, and Clinton is the most qualified candidate for president ever.
Churchill once remarked that it is sometimes necessary for truth to be protected by a bodyguard of lies. In the case of the left it's the other way around: their lies are protected and propagated by a bodyguard of self-styled "truth tellers," AKA the media.

Think about that: our culture has developed a systematic and pervasive megaphone for the propagation of liberal lies, under the guise of being the necessary institution for an informed citizenry. It pretends to be our cognitive immune system on a seek-and-destroy mission against falsehood, when it is really an autoimmune disorder that attacks truth.

A commenter named maineman adds,
I think Obama has kind of upped the ante when it comes to publically displayed deviance, formerly understood as mental illness. When you congratulate yourself while you lie through your teeth, relish the con like Gollum with his precious, give shout-outs to your comrades while talking about the slaughter of innocents, light up the White House in celebration of sodomy, talk about the creation of new life as a punishment, and do something like that almost every time you are in public, you're pretty clearly in Rasputin territory.

And the thing that points to the demonic is the way it normalizes lawlessness and psychopathy and is profoundly disorienting for anyone without enough grounding in reality to want to throw up when they see or hear it.

Long time commenter Julie adds,
Not to mention all the racial healing. Every time he lectures whitey because some black thug got hurt or was mistreated, he pours more venom into the wounds between the races. Ironically, if he had any decency at all he really could have brought about an era of racial healing. He made himself out to be a "father figure" to all the Trayvons in the country; a true father would have told them that being a Trayvon or a Michael Brown is no way to live.

Re. Mrs. Trump, they are trying so hard to manufacture outrage amongst conservatives. This came out a year ago, but they just have to bring it back.

If she were doing those kind of photoshoots today, of course that would be a problem - as much in what it says about a man if his wife does that kind of thing after they're married as anything. But sixteen years ago, and we're supposed to be outraged? Meh. People are capable of change. I'd still rather have her as 1st lady than Bill. At least she didn't rape anyone.

...Incidentally, that's a tactic the left loves to trot out: calling out someone for doing things they think conservatives will get upset about, but which they themselves would celebrate in anyone on their side. When Lena Dunham or Amy Whassername does it, she's so brave. Melania? What a whore! In a bad way! We know a slut when we see one!! Slut shaming is totally appropriate when we do it!!!

Gagdad Bob adds,
Then again, Obama's pathology is so perfectly mirrored by the media and entertainment industries, that it is as if there is a seamless unity between the self-image and its reflection in the world. This would explain how and why he is always so mocking and contemptuous of those who disagree with him, i.e., who fail to mirror him. (In this context, contempt is a defense mechanism, simply the other side of the (self) idealization.)

The specific condition is called Delusional Disorder of the Grandiose subtype, which involves "delusions of inflated worth, power, knowledge, identity, or special relationship to a deity or famous person." Interesting how he is going to have so many famous low-life celebrities and rappers at his birthday party. Must make him feel special.

I would love to conduct a thorough evaluation of him. Otherwise it's difficult to nail down the diagnosis. one here believes Trump is some sort of ideal candidate, only that the alternative is infinitely worse. Yes, there is risk involved with Trump. Conversely, there is no risk with Clinton, rather, certainty that she will be a disaster, especially vis-a-vis the Supreme Court. I don't know about the rest, but that is my gravest concern, as it will fundamentally reshape the nation for decades.

Julie added,
Yup. There is plenty to dislike about Trump, and who knows how much we can trust him? But Hillary is quite trustworthy: we can trust that she will lie, cheat, sell us out to our enemies, backstab, weaken our position in the world, and make all but her closest "friends" miserable for the foreseeable future. America and the world will be far more dangerous than they are even now, and our children's futures will be bleak indeed.
Bob added,
...Moral maturity involves the recognition that we must sometimes choose the lesser of two evils. Doing so is good, even though it doesn't change the evil into a good.

The classic case is WW2, when we allied with one of the most vicious monsters in history in order to defeat the other monster.

...the Democrats have become the party of the super wealthy and the low IQ hordes. The former don't
have to eat what the left serves, while the latter are promised better government food in the future.
Read much more here.

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