Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Crony Criminals

Ace of Spades headlines this report:
Crony Criminals: Department of Justice Blocked Any FBI Inquiry Into Clinton Foundation

CNN reports,
The Clinton Foundation was not part of the recent investigation into her private server; it was separate. The FBI went to Justice Department earlier this year asking for it to open a case into the foundation, but the public integrity unit declined. The Justice Department had looked into whether it should open a case on the foundation a year prior and found it didn't have sufficient evidence to do so.
Read more here.

Back to Ace:
If Trump breaks the law, he'll be hounded, pressured into appointing and Independent Prosecutor --

Remember those? We had them under Republican presidents. It's where the President has to appoint someone from outside his coterie of cronies to investigate himself or his cronies. We don't have those under Democrat presidents, who prefer having their own cronies "investigate" them.

-- and then impeached and kicked out of office.

It will, indeed, be a black eye for the GOP.

But it will be a victory for the Rule of Law and a vindication of the American Republican System of Government.

And what happens when Hillary similarly breaks the law, then has her crony Loretta Lynch say "no controlling legal authority," and completely gets away with it?

Which outcome sounds worse to you? Which will be more corrosive to America itself -- the rule of law triumphant, or the rule of law humiliated, stripped of its clothes, and raped on the floor?

We are literally witnessing the end of the Republic itself, and yet people prefer to dwell on smaller things (maybe because smaller things are comforting; if you dwell on small things, you can convince yourself nothing major is amiss) and just shrug at the end of the Republic.

By the way: CNN buried the lede at the end of their story. Drudge had to elevate it to the actual headline news it is.

So, hey. Let's all coronate queen Hillary and her united media, federal bureaucracy, Supreme Court, and permanent Clinton-Industrial Complex.

There's nothing at all wrong with power with no checks whatsoever -- that's Article 1, Section 1 of the Constitution, isn't it?

Treason never prospers, for if it prospers, then none dare call it treason.

Let's just sit back and watch some treason prospering.
Read more here.

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