Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Roger L. Simon writes at PJ Media, The Huma Abedin/Hillary Clinton relationship had its beginnings
when young Huma came to work at the White House in 1996, not inconsequentially not long after Monica Lewinsky arrived. This was obviously a time of great vulnerability for Hillary. No wonder she and Huma developed a bond.

But who was Huma? In a recent article, Paul Sperry—who has become something of an Abedinologist—describes the maternal background of the young woman who was born in the USA but spent most of her childhood in Saudi Arabia:

As The Post first reported, Huma’s mom edits the Journal of Muslim Minority ­Affairs, which has suggested that America had 9/11 coming to it, because of “sanctions” and “injustices” the US allegedly imposed on the Muslim world.
The journal also opposed women’s rights as un-Islamic, arguing that “ ‘empowerment’ of women does more harm than benefit.

But that’s not all.

In 1999, Saleha translated and edited a book titled “Women in Islam: A Discourse in Rights and Obligations,” published by the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Written by her Saudi colleague Fatima Naseef, the book explains that the stoning and lashing of adulterers, the killing of apostates, sexual submissiveness and even female genital mutilation are all permissible practices ­under Sharia law.

...Coincidentally or not (you decide), this is the same group—the Muslim Brotherhood—whose control of Egypt, under Morsi, was backed by the Obama/Clinton administration under the grounds the MB was ultimately reformist. That turned out be as untrue as it gets. Morsi was plotting for total control in a manner yet more fascist than his Islamist cohort Erdogan, if such a thing were possible. The Obama/Clinton administration, as we know, had already abjured the old secular U.S. ally Mubarak as it would, later, Morsi's also-secular successor al-Sisi.

Is it an accident that the despot that Hillary chose to attack and ultimately urge Obama to destroy was the furthest thing from an Islamist—Muammar Gaddafi? That cleared the way for the Islamists (ISIS, etc.) to move in on Libya. To Obama and Clinton, only Islamist dictators are permissible.

...I'm not suggesting some covert Muslim Brotherhood conspiracy is behind all this, although the MB has profited. I'm suggesting something stranger—a bizarre cocktail of greed and ambition justified by the most tired of leftwing ideology with the decline of the West as the result, the sort of unintended consequence.

Against this background, we watch the dissolution of the pathetic Weiner-Abedin marriage. Where is Tolstoy when we need him?
Read more here.

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