Monday, August 29, 2016

Are we prone to miss the cadence of eternity?

Michelle Van Loon guestposts at A Holy Experience:
In our plugged-in, 24/7/365 world drumming to an insistent, unvarying beat every single day, we are prone to miss the cadence of eternity.

God has built his own rhythms of restoration and celebration into our days and years. Let us have ears to hear them.

In our always-connected digital world, many of us have become accustomed to the idea that we are the architects of our days. We make our appointments and set our schedules, all the while kvetching that we’re just too busy. Our overscheduled lives proclaim to the world and ourselves that, really, we’re super-indispensable people.

We allow a subtle pride to warp our understanding of our role in God’s story: “Look at my crammed datebook! If others need or want me this much, I must be pretty important.” And if they don’t, then it’s not a far leap for some of us to believe that maybe our lives don’t matter much.

Rabbi Sidney Greenberg offers a wonderful explanation about the difference between the kind of holidays that populate our own calendars, and the everyday eternity of a holy day:

“On holidays we run away from duties. On holy days we face up to them.

On holidays we let ourselves go. On holy days we try to bring ourselves under control.

On holidays we try to empty our minds. On holy days we attempt to replenish our spirits.

On holidays we reach out for the things we want. On holy days we reach up for the things we need.

Holidays bring a change of scene. Holy days bring a change of heart.”

They are instead a way for you to create intentionality in the way you live the gift of eternal life God has given you through His Son.

Have ears to hear the rhythm of eternity in each moment and sacred day of our lives.
Read more here.

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