Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Alinsky's view of the government's war on poverty

I am doing something tonight that is most likely unique among my fellow Republicans. I am reading Hillary Clinton's 94 page college thesis on Saul Alinsky. Do you know how Alinsky viewed the federal government's War on Poverty? He called it a
"prize piece of political pornography...a huge political pork barrel, and a feeding trough for the welfare industry, surrounded by sanctimonious, hypocritical, phony, moralistic------."

...Alinsky observed that most city halls, acting through committees composed of the party faithful, controlled the local antipoverty funds.18 Poverty funds were frequently used to stifle independent action in the name of "community consensus" or if programs did bypass city hall the officials would disown them in order to take themselves "off the hook."19 Another aspect of the poverty war which Alinsky criticized was its "vast network of sergeants drawing general's pay."20 He illustrated the "startling contrast" between many salaries before and after assuming positions with OEO.

It seems as though "nowhere in this great land of ours is the opportunity
more promising than in the Office of Economic Opportunity."

..."The anti-poverty program may well be regarded as history's greatest relief
program for the benefit of the welfare industry."

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