Sunday, August 21, 2016

A rant about religion

JD Groover writes at My Underwood Typewriter,
Go to almost any Christian church and you will hear the words “worship” and “praise” repeated over and over again in reference to God. The words, “honor” and “serve” almost never come up. I suppose the churches were built so that believers could come together to “worship” and “praise” God, not to honor and serve him.

That has always kind of irked me. Why would God, an omnipotent being, create tiny little creatures in his vast universe to worship and praise him? That would be like humans creating germs sized creatures to worship and praise us. To what end? To feed our egos? Does God have an ego that needs to be catered to? I just can’t wrap my brain around that one. I do not believe the God that I know is that small minded; only we human beings think like that.

...There are many issues that no organized religion dares to attempt to address. The world is populated by some seven billion people. Only one third subscribes to one version of the Christian faith, yet the Christian faith and its practitioners believe and preach that anyone outside their faith is doomed because of their belief. This self-serving belief, of course, implies that God does not love two thirds of the people of the world he created.

If that wasn’t so stupid, it would almost be laughable. No segment of humanity has ever had the capability of defining and limiting God’s capability. These “Holy” men can put on their robes and funny hats and believe they have set themselves above the rest of the people. They can grow beards or side burns and the women can cover their face and think themselves to be “Holy.” None of this grants them “ownership” of God and the capability to define or limit him. It’s just human stupidity trying to understand what they are not capable of understanding.

No one but God is Holy
Read more here.

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