Saturday, August 20, 2016

A perfect headhunter for America’s Evita Peron

Did you notice that former Colorado Senator Ken Salazar has been selected by Hillary Clinton to head her transition team? Michelle Malkin has a few words to say about that:
The Loathsome Cowboy rides again.

Ken Salazar, President Obama’s disgraced ex-interior secretary and former U.S. Senator from Colorado, was named Hillary Clinton’s White House transition chair on Monday.

The pick confirms that a Clinton presidency would not only be Barack Obama’s third term ideologically, but also culturally. As in the Democratic culture of corruption.
Michelle then goes on to give many examples of Salazar's corrupt behaviors while serving in the Obama Administration, and Michelle concludes,
...Ken Salazar is a job-killing, truth-sabotaging, law-skirting, media-bullying corruptocrat who just won’t let go of power.

In other words: a perfect headhunter for America’s Evita Peron.
Read more here.

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