Friday, August 26, 2016

A multi-frontal assault

One finds oneself asking impossible questions: Why would feminists remain silent while the promotion and importation of anti-feminists known for the most severe forms of oppression goes on at an accelerated pace? Why would homosexuals support the administration's full-throated support of regimes that routinely imprison, burn and toss homosexuals off of buildings? Why would a president encourage the division of the races, inflaming old hatreds and new resentments with the potential to cause massive civil slaughter otherwise only known to places like Rwanda? Why would the media assail and seek the punishment of a lying Olympic swimmer, yet defend with screaming silence the multitude of lies told by a presidential candidate, knowing all the while that her lies are exponentially more dangerous to individuals and society?

Why, why, why?

The only answer possible is that it is a multi-frontal assault on peace. It is an attempt to do exactly what it is doing, keeping the public off balance with daily insults to rational thought. The people start to understand the connection of the president to the jihadists and Black Lives Matter encourages the burning of the suburbs. The people start to understand the Democratic strategy of importing illegal voters and the president demands that transsexuals use any restroom they want.

...Yes, they are evil and devious enough to foment a race war to destabilize American society. Yes, they are evil and devious enough to expose our children to pedophiles lurking in bathrooms, pretending to be sexually indeterminate. Yes, they are evil and devious enough to import terrorists under the guise of humanitarianism to randomly commit acts of terror to frighten and disrupt society. Yes, they are evil and devious enough to encourage racial animosity on the southern border for all of the reasons above.
Read more here.

h/t American Digest

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