Monday, August 29, 2016

A life spent in an American education

Bookworm and her daughter recently visited several liberal arts colleges, and Bookworm has been writing about her observations. For example, here is what the last college had to say about sexual assault:
CONSENT WHILE INTOXICATED. The blame of the assault is always on the assailant. It does not matter how intoxicated either parties were [sic]. If someone never consented, if someone decided to revoke consent, if someone feels afterwards that they did not consent, if someone was too intoxicated to consent, or too intoxicated to be responsive, in any situation, the assailant assaulted. The truth is, if you or your partner(s) are intoxicated, you cannot give or receive full consent. Drugs and alcohol directly affect your decision making for the time you are under the influence. Just as someone could decide to drive drunk or text drunk, they could decide to participate in sex drunk. And just as someone might say, “He’d never do that normally. He was drunk” about an accident, they [sic] may use the same speech to talk about a sexual assault involving alcohol or drugs. This, however, does not excuse anyone’s actions. Just as a drunk driver should getr a DUI, a sexual assailant should receive consequences as well. As a car accident is an assault on the machinery of a fancy Prius, rape is an assault on the mind, body, and soul.

Bookworm summarizes,
Only a life spent in American education result in a paragraph that says, when two people both intentionally got drunk and, while drunk, engaged in damaging behavior, only the man can be found guilty. Sexism is alive and well in Progressive circles. These Progs are telling your daughters that, no matter how badly and stupidly and dangerously they behave, the young man who behaves exactly the same way is the only guilty party.
Read much more here.

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