Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Will Ailes be leaving Fox News?

We may be seeing some changes at Fox News. Hank Berrien reports at The Daily Wire,
Roger Ailes has come under fire for alleged sexual harassment after Gretchen Carlson accused him of harassing her during her tenure at Fox News. An investigation has been ongoing in which nine other women made similar claims in New York magazine and The Daily Beast. Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, the network’s most visible star, had been silent about any sexual harassment claims but as New York magazine reported Tuesday morning:

According to two sources briefed on parent company 21st Century Fox’s outside probe of the Fox News executive, led by New York–based law firm Paul, Weiss, Kelly has told investigators that Ailes made unwanted sexual advances toward her about ten years ago when she was a young correspondent at Fox. Kelly, according to the sources, has described her harassment by Ailes in detail.

If Ailes leaves, the network’s news may look quite different: Financial Times reports that Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity and Greta Van Susteren all have clauses in their contracts that would enable them to quit if Ailes leaves.
Read more here.

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