Saturday, July 23, 2016

What America needs now

Becker said they believe Pooper is what America needs now, because there’s too much dog waste on the streets. “It’s not our intention to ostracize,” he said. “It is our intention to solve a problem in a unique way.”

...“It speaks to a human truth,” Becker said. “If [dog poop] wasn’t such a problem I don’t think we’d get a response that we’re getting.”

Karin Brulliard writes in the Washington Post,
What do you get when you combine a population too busy to look up from its smartphones, a “one-tap economy” and 78 million pet dogs?

You get Pooper, an app that summons someone to scoop your pooch’s waste off the sidewalk or neighbor’s lawn.

Perhaps you have enough time to own a dog, feed a dog and take it on walks, but you are just too darn busy to reach down to pick up its poop. You are Pooper’s target customer.

...In a phone interview from Los Angeles, co-founder Ben Becker, 32, insisted that he and Pooper are sincere.

“I am a real human being and a dog owner,” he said, adding that the other co-founder, Elliot Glass, is also a legit dog dad. They are techy types, naturally — Becker described himself as an integrated creative director and Glass as a web designer and developer.
Read more here.

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