Wednesday, July 20, 2016

How to make money off of Pokemon Go.

Forbes has an article about McDonalds offering Pokemon Go the use of its restaurants as places where Pokemon go users can come to do battle.
The terms of Nintendo and Niantic’s partnership with McDonalds are still unknown, but Niantic CEO John Hanke recently told The Financial Times that other businesses would become sponsors too. Advertisers will pay on a “cost per visit” basis, as they might do for “cost per click” with Google.

For businesses that rely on foot traffic, sponsored ‘pokestops’ and ‘gyms’ could be a Godsend. One owner of a pizza restaurant in Queens, new York, said his shop’s business had increased 75% after he paid $10 to place a dozen Pokémon characters in his store.

“The amount of people has been astonishing,” he told The New York Post.

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